crowd at sunfest

Community Support

We know our community, our fans and our partners are all affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Whether you are in a position to give or receive, here are some of our partner resources we are supporting.

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Artist Relief Fund

Palm Beach County is home to an extraordinary arts and cultural community composed of top-notch organizations and exceptional creative professionals (artists). The Cultural Council for Palm Beach County has created a fund to award grants of $250-$500 to individual artists who live in Palm Beach County and whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by COVID-19.

Support the Fund 

Apply for the Grant


Hospitality Helping Hands

Rodney Mayo and many of our friends in the hospitality community formed this not for profit to help feed the hospitality workers, their families, local charities, and others in need due to the Corona Virus shutdown. Your donations will directly help people in need in our community. Funds raised are used to purchase food and employ hospitality professionals to prepare it.

Donate today

Find Food Distribution site to receive food

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palm beach county food bank logo

Wells Fargo & Palm Beach County Food Bank

Wells Fargo’s sponsorship in support of the festival is being reallocated to the Palm Beach County Food Bank who is in dire need of funds to help those hardest hit. Some of you can give, please give even small amounts help. Others of you may need help right now, please review the partner agencies on the PBC Food Bank website who stand ready to assist you.

Read details on our blog

To donate or find asstistance

Save Palm Beach Food

Save Palm Beach Food

This fundraiser will help place catering orders at local Palm Beach County restaurants and food-related businesses to drive business while social distancing is in effect. The goal is to  provide food to our nurses, doctors and first responders in the area as well as families in need.

Support Save PB Food